Friday, October 24, 2008

boxes boxes everywhere

So, I went through 4 boxes of my parents' stuff tonight. Two boxes of fabric scraps - truly little tiny scraps and worn out pieces of fabric and old nylons and ohmygoodness what were they thinking?!?!? And a box of wrapping paper used and saved since we were small children, which also contained 3 open boxes of heavy duty aluminum foil - were they planning on aliens trying to invade? And a huge box containing other boxes including wands to long gone vacuum cleaners, warranties of anything they ever owned in their lives, checks from every checking account they ever had, the record player we had as small children...

But I still have half a garage full of boxes. I still can't get a car into the garage.

They are predicting snow by the end of the weekend and perhaps a significant snowfall before the election...
I have a paper due Monday which I am stuck in the process of writing. My kids need my attention and I promised them something fun this weekend. My mother is not doing well and was in tears earlier today because she feels the staff people aren't being nice to her. And the cars have to go in the garage before the snow flies.

But here I am blogging. My excuse is that I did a lot of work while everyone else was watching a movie tonight...

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